劉李蔡顧問有限公司 Lau Leigh Choi Consultants Ltd
劉李蔡顧問有限公司 自1992年成立於香港,長期為客戶提供包括公司秘書、會計、稅務、移民服務、智慧財產權保護、資料庫設計及管理諮詢等多元化的服務。
Lau Leigh Choi Consultants Limited was established in Hong Kong since 1992. It has provided clients with a variety of services including company secretarial, accounting, taxation, immigration services, intellectual property rights protection, database design and management consulting.
Add : 16C, Chinaweal Center, Jaffe Rd, Causeway Bay, HK
電話 Tel:(852)2838 0936
郵箱 Email:sec@primecpahk.com
聯絡人 Contact:劉先生 Mr. Lau
德永會計師事務所 Prime & Co. Certified Public Accountants
德永會計師事務所是 香港注冊獨立會師事務所、成立餘20年、為客戶提供各種法定審計服務 及調查專案。
Prime & Co is a Certified Public Accountants, practicing in Hong Kong for more than 20 years. We provide various services, including statutory audit, special purpose audit, fact finding exercise, etc to our clients.
Add : 2210, Island Place Tower, 510 King's Road, North Point, HK
電話 Tel:(852)2838 9819
郵箱 Email:info@primecpahk.com
聯絡人 Contact:張小姐 Miss Cheung
億訊顧問(廣州)有限公司 Yixun Management Consultant (GZ) Ltd
億訊顧問(廣州)有限公司在諮詢管理方面擁有豐富的經驗及人才資源, 擁有中港兩地商業、財務及管理專業人才,熟悉國內外政策資訊、商務慣例、投資環境。公司注重於為中國企業的投資需求提供服務,以深層次的市場分析説明客戶作出正確的投資決策和選擇。
We provide extentive advisory and consultancy services to facilitate client to carry out business in China and in Hong Kong.
Add : 1017, Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi East Road, Guangzhou, China
電話 Tel:(86)020 83652676
郵箱 Email:gz@primecpahk.com
聯絡人 Contact:石小姐 Miss Shi
億訊管理咨詢(深圳)有限公司 Yixun Management Consultant (SZ) Ltd
We are familiar with domestic and foreign policy information, business practices and investment environment in Hong Kong and China. We focuses on providing services for the investment needs of Chinese enterprises, and demonstrates that customers make the right investment decisions and choices through in-depth market analysis.
Add : 1529, Building B, Tianxia International Center, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
電話 Tel:(86)0755 86726692
傳真 Fax:(86)0755 86726692
郵箱 Email: sz@primecpahk.com
聯絡人 Contact:盛小姐 Miss Jessie Sheng
東永合同会社 Toei Gondo Kaisha
Established in 2020 for assisting our clients exploring Japan business
Add : E-4911. 49/F., East Tower, Deux Tours, 3-13-1 Harumi, Chui Ku, Tokyo.104-0053 Japan
郵箱 Email: sz@primecpahk.com
聯絡人 Contact:盛小姐 Ms Jessie Sheng
Rosefinch LLC
Rosefinch LLC 立足內地、香港、美國三點強勢商業領域,關注全球商機,幫助企業在業務發展及擴張中輕鬆完成所需流程,建立相應運作體系,有效安排合規事宜。 與此同時,提供細緻的財稅規劃,幫助企業建立有效的企業架構,助力企業成長。
地址:美國德克薩斯州侯斯頓市Arena Tower Two 8樓0825室